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March 29, 2013


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Billy, Lars and the Real Girl is on my top list of favorite movies. I need to watch it again. It is one of those movies that leaves you feeling optimistic about humanity.


I just had to watch the trailer again!


One of my family favourites! I especially love that it was filmed in the little town where my office is, Schomberg. My daughter gave her sister a Ryan gosling , hey girl tea towel for her birthday :)

Chicago Reporter

A wonderful movie. It's so good to see the drawing of Lars and the inspiring Bianca; even as a line drawing, Bianca is lovely. More testament to the spirit of doll friends in all forms....

Daniel Bryant

Great movie ! Gosling has a new one out soon and I think that it is going to be a good one. I hear he has also directed one.


i loved that movie. what a sweet one.

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