Being something of a post-post modernist himself, Diego thoroughly enjoyed hamming it up on his visit to New York's famous Museum of Modern Art on his recent visit for the winter holidays. With his natural delight in non-sequitors, incongruous juxtapositions, and verbal and visual puns, he felt right at home among the masters of 20th Century modernism.
Word play became part of the lexicon of modern artists, and Diego is no exception. Ever since Wall-E he has been fond of putting the emphaSIS on the last syllABLE of words, and the museum of mod-ERN art was no exception.
It was great to see him engage with so much visual input and stimulation, which can often overwhelm any of us, let alone children with autism who deal with issues of sensory integrtion and processing.
Being an artist is hard work, he decided, and he found a nice place to relax at the end of his busy tour.