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« Another Rome | Main | Diego y Natalie »

March 24, 2012


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Janet M

I can read Cyrillic. The sign says
Guy it's named for

I think. It looks like you're having an interesting adventure in Serbia. This is the part of your job that I envy, being able to live in, and see, the life that tourists never get to experience. Keep posting, I'm enjoying this vicariously.


Thanks a lot for the photos Billy.
Now we know how it looks over there.
Missing you a lot!
The team :)

other culprit

ummm. can't quite make out the sign Striptease? how do you say mark in serbian? xoxox


ah, language barriers. my 17 year old sister walked into a restaurant in paris and very authoritatively announced she was there to inspect the bathrooms. actually, she just wanted to use one....

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