"Riding along on a carousel, trying to catch up with you."
The Hollies
There is nothing like a Polaroid to give the photographic record of any event that special nostalgic glow. These pictures were actually taken with the new Fuji Instax camera, which is the same instant photography idea and technology as the original.
Natalie and her friend went to the local Merry-Go-Round for a whirl, but found they were equally if not more interested in the little toy animals that came out of the old-fashioned vending machine.
The carousel is a real antique. I wish I had been better able to photograph the faded nature paintings on the top and the interior panels. Beautiful.
(In one of those weird coincidences, that very night I happened to be reading a noir thriller - the excellent new Thomas Perry novel "The Informant" from Otto Penzler Books - and to my surprise came to the chapter where the hit man protagonist Schaffer is on the run in Los Angeles and suddenly pulls his car into Griffith Park when he finds he is being tailed by a couple of pros out to silence him. A chase and shootout around this very same Merry-Go-Round ensue, with the killer turning the tables on his killers, and setting their car afire in the parking lot, the very one I had just exited that afternoon. Yikes!)