Gareth Evans of Story Film asked me to repost this information here about what looks to be quite an interesting cinematic endeavor he has put together:
Hi William
I'm writing to let you know about a project we've launched called Sixty Second Stories. It's a global survey of cinematic storytelling from a new generation of filmmakers.
We're going to bring the best ninety films together into a feature presentation at next year's Berlin film festival.
We kicked off the process at the Berlinale this year with a round of the competition specifically for participants in the Berlin Talent Campus.
We've been inundated with amazing Sixty Second Stories from all over the world, but have now, after some long and intense debate, selected a winner.
We're pleased to announce that the winning film in the first round of Sixty Second Stories is 'Girl in Limbo' by Marie Elisa Scheidt.
It's a beautiful, intimate and restrained cinematic portrait - we love it!
You can watch the film and find more information here:
While certainly not the filmmaker's intent, the Jenga blocks she is manipulating in the short film reminded me of one of the first classes Elsa and I ever took - an 8 week seminar on the FloorTime therapeutic approach for children on the autism spectrum.
In the instructor's demonstration, the stack of Jenga blocks in a tower represented the stages of childhood development, with the blocks missing or removed from the tower representing some of the developmental deficits that are common in children with special needs and brains whose wiring has been affected by autism. It was a graphic 3D representation of simultaneous strengths and weaknesses - the kind of incongruities that we often experience with Diego.
I look forward to seeing the rest of the 60 second films that Gareth collects from around the globe, and hearing what associations they may provoke in you.
Jenga blocks and autism. What an interesting analogy. I'll have to share that one. jan
Posted by: Snippety Gibbet | May 25, 2011 at 02:54 AM
Love the picture on the top of your site. Did watch the 60 second video and found it strange and intriging. thank you for sharing it. I'm glad it was dubbed in english.
Posted by: davek | August 24, 2011 at 10:32 PM