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January 17, 2011


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Generic Viagra Online

This article is just too amazing. I am so impressed by the article that I shall request my near and dear ones too read it too. The piece of information written by you is so interesting. I have never read such a good and fully informed article like this.

Janet M

WOW! These are amazing videos!!!! I love all of them. There is something magical about claymation that CG lacks. I loved Natalie's voice overs, well done.


Yay Billy!!
Stop-motion movies are so special.
I cannot wait to explore that world deeply.

Elsita :)


These are GREAT! I love them. The soundtracks are perfect. I think Clay Mann's really got it going on. Did he study with that other Mr. Bill, of Disasterpiece Theater and "Oh, Nooooo!" fame? I'll admit, I did think of that old SNL bit when I first read about your accident.

Also, I have to agree with that first comment, "The piece of information written by you is so interesting."


Natalie's VO is really great! Watching these brought the first smile to my face today. And that might be the first time I actually liked a laugh track.


OK, your first comment is by 'Generic Viagra Online'. Um? To impress such an exciting and upstanding drug to post a comment, well, shucks and wow, those films must have really touched him. Ha.
Seriously, the films are great. I hear people are making a living off this stuff, crazy as it sounds. You have stuck golden pixels in them that hills, now that you have gone west, young man.


These look like so much fun. Any tips on trying it at home? Also, I'm hooked on your vernacular letter story. thanks.



The most creative we ever did together is dye Easter eggs...

Snippety Gibbet

Oh my gosh. Those are too funny. I love seeing them all together like that and knowing how they came about.


These are awesome. I need to show my girls...

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