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September 26, 2010


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Evelyn Mora

when resources are minimun, you have to learn how to do more with less....I learned that in Cuba.
It was hard for me to believe that the drawing is actually a DVD cover from a horror flick!
saludos a la familia,


Very interesting.I am sure there are producers in Hollywood who would love to pay by the scene and will be jumping on that cost saving idea post haste. I hope you give us some review of his work, in time. Did you learn of other film makers, too?

Kate G

Always happy reading the documentary/historical posts you do, Bill. I imagine Malaysian horror must be pretty gruesome, based on their folktales.

Added gem: the tidbit about how actors get paid. That stopped me in my tracks! Would that be hell to direct and edit? Kind of a Just Do It situation, eh?

פרסום בגוגל

I worked in Hollywood movies, a full crew and a large budget films and a much smaller and independent.

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