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March 03, 2010


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Joan Chandler

I am totally addicted to Klondike, a version of solitaire that I can play on my computer.

I've been playing gin rummy with my grandson Miro since he was old enough to hold the cards. He's beating me regularly now.

Play on!

Joan Chandler

Elsita :)

You need to teach me how to play these new (to me) card games!

James Longley

This is completely awesome. I sense a latent market for hip multi-player iPhone/iPad card game apps waiting to leap forward.

Snippety Gibbet

I remember that book! It was a good one. I wonder if I still have it around. jan

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I also want to know how to play cards.
Hehe I think, I'll enjoy playing cards with you.

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Totally classic. I miss playing it with my friends.

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