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« Wonderful World | Main | The Little Gold Bald Man »

February 21, 2009


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I've been to the Great Wall and Chichen Itza (and runners-up Stonehenge & the Eiffel Tower). That top photo just bumped Rio way up my list of places I want to go! I "wonder" why Chichen Itza beat out the Egyptian pyramids.

Is there a list of the seven natural wonders of the world? I'm sure those would make great destinations, too.

At least your former Chicago address would be on the new list. When my dad went back to see his Chicago childhood home, he found that not only was his old house gone, but his entire street had been removed!


So many places, so little time! I've been to the Coliseum and Machu Picchu with runner-up Eiffel Tower. If there is a list of natural wonders of the world, then I will count Galapagos Islands as one.

Thank you for the wonderful posts this week. Good luck at the Oscars tonight!


Petra, Jordan looks very interesting
place to see as all the others do too.

My travels take to to beautiful places
through the wonderful invention of the
televison. LOL!

God Bless You and Yours!!!

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Petra is amazing, carved from the rock, wonder what kind of tech on those days was able to do it.


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I will say this in closing. If anyone hates these people it is also sin, and by your hate you bring yourself down to the same level with those who oppose the Lord. It is easy to hate someone, but very hard to love someone who comes against you and your Father. I choose love for Christ and all his people. Does this mean we have roll over and play dead because this law was over turned? Not at all.


Wonderfull creations in the world


You write well will be waiting for your new publications.


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This a natural gift from our ancestors and specially from our God. We must take care and preserve its beauty to let our future generations see the beauty of it.

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