Years before the internet, before eBay, before Amazon and alibris and all the other sites for collectors, Larry McMurtry wrote a novel that captured the soul and spirit of the pack rat called Cadillac Jack.
You know who you are. The never-throw-anything-away crowd. The ones who see the value and bargains and hidden gems and nostalgic bric-a-brac and objets de art amidst the detritus of our culture and collect and preserve them.
Reader Janet Ergang is such a kindred spirit and was kind enough to contribute a piece of forgotten history to the blog as today's post.
A few weeks ago I wrote about the artist Virgil Patch and his cartoon character Big George and I shared a newspaper clipping of a Big George cartoon I had cut out and kept for decades after reading it one day.
Janet goes one better here, as she thinks it was around 1960 that this caught her attention in the Chicago Tribune. Big George first appeared in syndication in 1960 so this must have been one of his earlier appearances in print.
Thanks Janet.